Introduction: Establishing fairness
On this Page
- Importance of establishing fairness
1.1 Establishing fairness
1.2 Not establishing fairness
1.3 Start Establishing fairness - Summary
‘Establishing fairness’ is one of the five perspectives of Friendly and Fair Teaching (FFT). Teachers create a positive learning environment by being fair. They discuss the framework with their students. Like the students, they adhere to the framework. Based on the teaching objectives, they make clear assignments. Prior to a different approach to teaching, they give clear instruction.
I create a positive learning environment by adhering to the FFT framework (Friendly and Fair). Teaching objectives help me shape my lessons. For both Teacher-centred education and Student-centred education I make clear what I expect from my students.
Introduction video
For more information check out our other introductory videos here.
Current approach
How do I establish fairness?
Future approach
How do I establish fairness in the future?
‘Establishing fairness’ is one of the five perspectives of Friendly and Fair Teaching (FFT).
Figure 27: Establishing fairness (overview)
With the three modules of the perspective ‘Establishing fairness’, you engage with students on an equal footing. With these modules you structure your lessons and remove ambiguity. This has a preventive effect: your students are less inclined to disrupt the lesson.
With ‘Establishing educational goals’, you shape your education (Qualification, Socialisation and Personalisation). You adhere to the framework and also ask this from your students. With expectation management, you give clear instructions when changing the approach to teaching.
1. Importance of establishing fairness
1.1 Establishing fairness
With ‘Establishing educational goals’ you make your lessons interesting for your students. With a framework, you indicate how you want everyone, including you, to behave. With every approach to teaching, you indicate clearly what you expect from students with ‘Managing expectations’. When you are fair, your students love to be taught by you. By establishing fairness you create a positive learning environment.
1.2 Not establishing fairness
If you are not fair, you cause confusion and unrest. If you respond to unrest (which you have generated yourself by not being fair) with unrest as well, you are not setting a good example at that moment.
1.3 Start establishing fairness
Advice FFT: Start being friendly and fair at the same time. Fair without friendly can be strict. Being strict is not necessary if you are both friendly and fair.
When you see a new group for the first time, stay calm and be friendly even if the group is restless:
You discuss the framework indicating that you yourself are going to try to be friendly and fair. If you fail, your students can call you on it. You also indicate that you conversely ask them to be friendly and fair. You let them know that if necessary, you will call a student to account (Behaviour management strategies)
In the lessons you create, you include Socialisation and Subjectification in addition to Qualification. By doing so, you make your lessons attractive to students (Establishing educational goals).
When you start with a different approach to teaching, you indicate clearly what you expect from your students (Managing expectations).
If you have discussed all this with the group and you are both friendly and fair, your students will understand why you direct and/or correct the behaviour of a student who disrupts the lesson.
2. Summary
When you are both Friendly and fair, you teach undisturbed.