Professional development course for

Friendly & Fair Teaching

Anyone working in education wants to have fun doing it, otherwise teaching cannot be sustained. The Friendly and Fair Teaching (FFT) course enables teachers to create a positive learning environment with successful learning outcomes and with fewer disruptions. Disruptions can always occur. With FFT, a teacher resolves a disruption in a friendly and fair manner

Reflecting on your teaching‘ is the starting point for creating a positive learning environment.

1 Formulating the goal

During the course, coach and student examine which perspectives and modules of FFT can help the student in the future. First the coach asks the student to choose one of the five perspectives, then the coach asks the student to choose a module. The student first indicates how he or she deals with this and only then does the coach, drawing on his or her own experience and referring to ‘Reflecting on your teaching‘, gives the student advice. In this way, the student determines the course’s direction. With this approach the course is an adventure for both the student and the coach.

2 Duration and guidance

You follow the course with a maximum of two people. The course lasts four hours, followed by half a year of guidance by email.

3 Target Group

The course is intended for anyone working in education and aims at both teacher-in-training and teachers already working in education. The course targets all school types e.g. primary and secondary education.

Teachers tutors and supervisors in primary education, secondary education, Secondary vocational education, Higher professional education and teachers who teach a special subject in primary school have applied Friendly & Fair Teaching successfully.

4 Participation

Order our course through our online store:

  1. Online course ‘Friendly & Fair Teaching

In the online store you find a description of the products and our conditions.

5 Introduction video

FFT defines the art of teaching as ‘Friendly and Fair’.

  • You are fair if you adhere to the framework. Only then you can ask your students to be friendly and fair as well.
  • You reinforce positive behaviour in a friendly way (Behaviour management strategies).

You set a good example, inspire and motivate your students and increase their autonomy (Reflecting on teaching).

For more information check out our other introductory videos here.

6 Body language

During the Friendly & Fair Teaching course, the coach introduces a number of gestures and asks what they might mean. Some of the gestures used by FFT appear to be immediately clear even without explanation.

7 Role play

During the course, the coach first demonstrates how you reinforce positive behaviour if a student interrupts your explanations. You play the student who interrupts, then we reverse roles. This role play reveals the effect of your (unconscious) body language.

Summary of Friendly & Fair Teaching

Image: Summary of Friendly & Fair Teaching

8 Testimonials

The peace and reflection behind the approach of Friendly & Fair Teaching is good for the children and for me. We are not yet where I want to be but I am already much less tired“.
